Hey there, i'm on my finals right now. And i need something to cheer me on. Come on lah,,exam je pun.haha. It's nothing,,just that i feel there's something wrong with my life. Am I okay? Well of course i'm ok. Just a lil bit tired of this exam thingy.
But rite now, i've been thinking,,muhasabah diri. Some sorts like that. Bukan apa pn, tiba2 terfikir kenapa dalam hidup ni kadang2 kita tak boleh nak terima sesuatu yg diluar jangkaan kita. Everything happens for reasons, kan? So, why not kita just terima? Susah sangat ke? Well. sometimes we just need an explanation for something that happened in our life. Sebab manusia ni memang tamak..termasuk saya yang menulis ni juga la.
Ok, there's a situation in my life that i had never imagined it would happen to me. There's a person that enters my life trying to be my friend. FRIEND = KAWAN. Hurmm,,supposedly semua should be ok. But then, i just don't know where and what i'm lacking in,,THE FRIEND suddenly pushes me out of THE FRIEND's life. How am i suppose to act? Just sit quietly without doing nothing or seek for solution?
Well, i guess THE FRIEND totally abandoned me now. Most latest i heard this morning that THE FRIEND already deleted my number from the contact list. JUST WHAT HAVE I DONE WRONG??
Hurm,,i'm actually asking for some space due to my final,,and THE FRIEND too will be having the exam soon. So, was it so wrong? Because my intentions are fully mistakenly accepted by THE FRIEND. I'm not asking for a forever break..and what's the matter with my acceptance towards you? I already accepted you from the first we had a conversation,,although it's just through few SMSes. But now,,you're questioning my sincerity towards you?? Sorry for being rough here,,but what's in my mind is that YOU ARE THE ONE WHO CANNOT ACCEPT ME FOR BEING YOUR FRIEND.
I don't dream for this kind of relationship where we can just make friends with whoever we wanted, and then abandon them if you don't like them. Saya cuba untuk ikhlas dan saya harap awak mencuba juga untuk ikhlas terhadap saya.
OK, sorry for any rough words that i used here that may hurt any feelings out there. I'm totally sorry and please take note that it was really not my real intention.
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